bathroom monologue

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Everysecond it took to make it from the classroom to the bathroom felt like torture. Embarassment was one of the worse feeling he could be faced with. Confusion, shock and even deception couldn't compare. He had no idea how he would find the strength to show his face back in that class after this?

The moment he crossed the door to the boy's room, the warm tears he'd struggle to hold back came flowing out in an uncontrollable torrent, drowning the freckled patterns on his cheecks. Not looking to see if there was anyone in the room, he stormed to a close by empty stahl, closing and locking the door behind it before flipping and punching it hard enough to crack two knuckles open.

"Damn it!....ow."

He leaned on the wall, the pain of his hand actually helping to calm him down even though it was, well painfull, the stinging rather annoying. Sy heaved a breath before wiping away his now very wet eyes.

I'm being ridiculous.
I shouldn't be crying over this.
I feel like some kind of wimp.
Guess you need more than pretty muscles to be strong.

He took a moment to just reste, leaving his head in his hands and silently think things over, gather some courage. He sure needed some.

After a slow five minutes, he stepped out of his little cubicle and rinsed his face to erase all proofs that he had been crying before heading to math class. The rest of the classes went a little more smoothly, Haylen not sharing any of them with him apparently, and Gym had been a great relief, running and working out. He had avoided social contacts though, turning into the in class hermit for the day, knowing that even if Haylen hadn't been there, some of the other English class students were, and he couldn't help but know that the whisperer gossip going on in his back were pointed at him.

As expected, he got a call to the head office before the end of the day where he was ended a little pink slip.

"Simon, I must say in view of your previous clean record, I am disappointed in your early behavior today. But the teacher has mentionned what happened."

The principal shifted, visibly uncomfortable and only providing in making the awkward atmosphere that much thicker.

"Do you, well, do you need some counselling?"

Simon gave the director a horrifyed look. He had a rash reaction, sure, but he wasn't insane! Unless he meant about...well that was just judgemental. Still, he refrained from snapping anything and just took the paper with a polite nod, confirming the room and directions for Detention before heading there.