nursing office

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"Hey... Mr. Vega... can you hear me? Wake up, Mr. Vega, you probably want to wipe all of that... all that blood from that handsome face of yours..."

Haylen roused to the soothing sound of a female's voice, and as his sight came into focus he took note of the matronly-looking figure who stood at his bedside. The nametag pinned to her pastel pink sweater read her name - Mrs.... something... and beneath that, 'school nurse'.


School nurse?


Oh, shit.

I forgot.

Haylen scrambled to sit up on the cot, his head pounding and stomach lurching. "I- I..." he stood up unsteadily, clutching at his stomach. 'W-where's the bathroom?"

With a worried look on her friendly face, 'Mrs.' pointed at an open door, and Haylen swiftly followed the direction she gestured to. "Are you alright? Why don't I get you some water, and perhaps two ibuprofen? I believe your nose is broken, you can't feel too great."

Haylen managed a pathetic 'yes please' before collapsing to the cold floor and emptying his stomach into the toilet bowl, a bitter, thick red syrup trickling from his swollen lips.

He squirmed in agony as his stomach muscles contracted, and soon his involuntary efforts to rid his throat of excess blood deteriorated into painful dry-heaves. With a groan and a cough that scraped at his dry mouth, he rose slowly to his feet, proceeding over to the sink.

Don't look in front of you.

Don't look in front of you.

There's a mirror.

Don't look.

Despite his every effort, just as Haylen finished rubbing dried red-brown from his palms, he stole a glance of himself from the corner of his eye, and almost did a double take.

Holy -

My god. I look...

absolutely digusting.

Shallow purple rings were forming around Haylen's silver-green eyes, and blood was smeared all over his entire chin. His nostrils were crusted in an ashen red. Even his pierced lips looked more chapped than usual. "If I don't look like a corpse now, god knows when I do."

"What's that?" Mrs. called from the attached office, and judging by what Haylen could hear, she was still rummaging around for painkillers to give him.

"N-nothing... it's nothing," he muttered, traipsing back out to sit on the edge of the cot. "What period is it? I need to know what class I have..."

The woman brought him his pills and a cup of water and smiled warmly, her brown eyes dancing with friendly amusement. "Oh, sweetheart, you've been in here nearly all day. The last class of the day is just finishing up. I'd love to say that you can go home and rest, but... a pink slip was delivered to me shortly after you were, and it seems that you have a detention. The headmaster also attached a little note. Here, let me fetch them for you."

You've gotta be kidding me.

I was passed out all day, just from a friggin' nosebleed?

Nosebleed? It's broken, too...

So what? I've.. endured... far worse...

Haylen swallowed down the two little orange ovals without the water and waited upsettedly for his pink slip, fiddling with the black string bracelet that he wore around his bony wrist.

Oh, it's been such a fantastic day.

First Simon and I fight, then we fight some more, then he breaks my nose, then I get a detention..

Mm, life at boarding school is almost as fun as life at home.

The nurse handed him the dreaded piece of paper with the note from the principal attached, shooting him a sympathetic look. "You're welcome to rest here for a little while longer before you go to detention, I mean, your nose probably doesn't feel too dandy..."

Haylen frowned, mostly ignoring the woman and instead reading the note:

Haylen Vega -

Your record is not quite what would be considered 'clean', and if you pull another one of these little stunts again, the consequences may be more severe. Please try to keep to your best behavior and keep in mind the intentions of your fellow classmates.

He sighed, talking under his breath. "Great, just one more person who doesn't like me."

Offering a simple thank you to the nurse, he unhappily dragged his sore self out the door, heading off to Detention.